Client Challenge

A well-known insurance group was looking to fill a business-critical role. The HR team did not want to pay a retainer and attract an expensive search fee. The client was looking for a more economical way of recruiting a scarce skill.

Ntice Approach

Ntice offered the client one EXPLORE campaign. EXPLORE is well suited to roles that are hard to fill. These roles are hard to fill, because they require a specific skill and/or experience that is in short supply within the market. With an EXPLORE the client pays only for the first part of a search process and nothing more. The assignment was steered by an experienced head-hunter who mapped the market and then proactively engaged with passive candidates to introduce the role. Candidates were taken through a rigorous interview process to ensure suitability to the role and then only the top candidates CV”s were shared with the client.


The Ntice head-hunter identified five candidates for the role, three of whom were interviewed. Two candidates went through psychometric assessments, and one candidate was offered the role. The client achieved savings of 211,500 on this hire.